Information Collection Budget (ICB)--The Federal Government's projected burden on the public for new requirements to collect information. It is the estimated response time (direct and indirect) for the public to collect, record, and submit information to the Federal Government. Each year the OMB issues a "budget call" for the Federal Government's ICB. determining policy; planning, controlling, and evaluating operations and performance; making
administrative determinations; or preparing other reports. The data or information may be displayed on paper, magnetic tapes, or other media.
Internal Information Collection/Reporting Requirement--Data or information collected by one or more organizational components and transmitted to other organizational components for management purposes. The collections required for management purposes pertain to policy; planning, controlling, and evaluating operations and performance; making administrative determinations; and preparing other reports. It is status, summary, or statistical information in both electronic and manual information systems.
Public Information Collections--Those collections that require responses from the public. The Act defines a collection of information to be: "The obtaining or soliciting of facts or opinions by an agency through the use of written report forms, application forms, schedules, questionnaires, reporting or record keeping requirements, or other similar methods calling for either: (1) Answers to identical questions posed to, or identical reporting or record keeping requirements imposed on, ten or more persons, other than agencies, instrumentalities, or employees of the United States; or (2) Answers to questions posed to agencies, instrumentalities, or employees of the United States which are to be used for general statistical purposes." This includes information collections that are mandatory, voluntary, or required to obtain a benefit.